New York Straw-Bale

New York Straw-Bale

We worked closely with architect Dave Murray and Builder Creative Construction to craft beautifully sculpted super insulated, and carbon sequestering straw bale walls for this new multi-generational home in New Paltz, NY. This wall assembly provides about R-60...
Finishing Dani’s house

Finishing Dani’s house

A few photos of Dani’s house, plastered and nearing completion. We’re working inside; finishing the floors, hanging doors, trim-out, cabs, counters, fixtures.      
Finishing Dani’s house

Dani’s House

  It’s been a busy season and I haven’t taken a picture in months, so here’s what the great room looked like this summer. We used fans and a blower-door to hasten the drying the straw-clay mixture, and are currently finishing up the final...
Straw clay and Lime plaster

Straw clay and Lime plaster

My focus this summer has been on leading the construction of the straw/clay walls and natural finishes for a new house in rural chapel hill. It’s been an exciting project to work on, the house is unique in many ways.  I’ll write more about the process and...
Lime Bench

Lime Bench

Lime plastered cob bench in the cottage we built in Chapel Hill this spring.